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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Hoplites. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Hoplites. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Σάββατο 7 Νοεμβρίου 2015

"The Hypaspist corps" - Article on ANCIENT WARFARE Magazine, ( Issue IX.5, November 2015)

The Historical Studies Association "KORYVANTES" is particularly pleased to announce the publication of a new study, on the internationally renowned magazine "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE" ( Issue IX.5, November 2015)

Through the article of our Association’s member Mr Manousos E. Kambouris, "One identity, three units, and many functions - The hypaspist corps" is presented the multifunctional unit of the HypaspistThe elite hypaspist corps was a special unit, inherited by Alexander along with the other components of the Macedonian army. The paramount importance of these troops not only during the great battles of Philip and Alexander, but in almost every clash during the campaign of the latter, ignited the interest and curiosity of many scholars. Though, the absence of contemporary literature, the huge time gap from the facts to our most reliable source, Arrian’s Anabasis (aprox 500 years), the shady descriptions of Arrian and the frequent reorganizations and restructures of the Macedonian army under Alexander have caused extremely diverse opinions. Although the unit was renamed (Argyraspides) and, most probably, re-oriented towards strictly line infantry operations (retaining an elite status but not its former special-warfare status), its functions and internal organization are rather straightforward before this restructure

Σάββατο 27 Ιουνίου 2015

KORYVANTES in the "TIMES AND EPOCHS - ROME" Festival, Moscow /Russia , June 5 -7 2015

The Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES is pleased to announce its successful participation in the International Archaeological Festival "Time and Epochs - Rome" which was held in Moscow from 5 to June 7, 2015.

The festival "Time and Epochs-Rome" was organized under the auspices of the Ministries of Culture, Tourism and Education of the Russian Federation and it's considered to be the largest thematic festival on the planet.

It was held in the Kolomenskoye park of the Russian capital and attracted the attention of 200,000 visitors. The theme of the festival was related to the historical period of the Roman Republic representing military units of Rome and its rivals (Celts, Germanic tribes, Gauls, Realms of the Bosporian Kingdoms, Thracians, Dacians, etc.). The festival hosted some of the best European Living History Associations from Italy, Russia, France Germany, Spain, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria with hundreds of participants. The festival was conducted under the technical support of archaeologists and historians applying strict historical accuracy rules for the participants.

Τετάρτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Lectures in the International Academic Symposium of OPENARCH in " VIMINACIUM " Museum / Serbia, September 30 2014.

The Association for Historical Studies KORYVANTES successfully participated at the International Experimental Archaeology Symposium of "OPENARCH", which took place at the conference center of the Archaeological Open-Air Museum of  "VIMINACIUM" in Serbia, from September 29 until October 3, 2014.

Our Association as the Leading Independent Experimental Archaeology Institution in Greece and one of the top respective across Europe, presented to the International Academic audience two prominent studies on the reconstruction of weapons of the Bronze Age and Geometric era, through the lectures of Archaeologist Mr Christos Boutsidis (Phd cand, MA, Demokritean University of Thrace and member of Association Koryvantes ).

Δευτέρα 13 Οκτωβρίου 2014

The Myth of KORYVANTES Hoplites welcomes millions of travelers and visitors to Athens

Eleonas probably is a most exceptional urban landscape in the heart of Athens, one of the most historic cities of the world. The Athens International Airport’s new exhibition, titled “Eleonas – Goddess Athena’s Olive Grove”, is the product of a significant collaboration between the Athens International Airport and the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre of the Academy of Athens: through the unique photographs of Andreas Smaragdis, travellers and airport visitors will have the opportunity to “enter” the place where the Gods had their garden and their temple, but where a complete transformation took place, mainly during the 20th century!

Τρίτη 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

The Seleucid " Royal Guard " - Article on ANCIENT WARFARE Magazine, September 2014

The Historical Studies Association "KORYVANTES" is particularly pleased to announce the publication of a new study, on the internationally renowned magazine "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE" (issue VIII. 4 - September 2014)
Through the article of our Association’s member Mr. Spyros Bakas is presented extensively the Seleucid "Royal Guard". The "Royal Guard" numbered 10.000 troops and can be considered as the continue of the Alexander's "Hypaspists". Lavishly equipted ,the "Royal Guard" was the backbone of the Seleucid army, having the "Silvershields" in it's core.

Κυριακή 31 Αυγούστου 2014

KORYVANTES in BIGA / Turkey - World Traditional Archery Competition, August 15-17 2014

The Traditional Archery team of the Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES after accepting the kind invitation of the Turkish Traditional Archery Federation, participated in the 5th International Traditional Archery Games ETRAC , which were helded in Biga of Turkey, between 15 to 17 August 2014. 

The ETRAC competition (Eurasian Traditional Archery Competitions), garnered the global attention of the Traditional and Horseback Archery community, with the participation of over 400 archers from Turkey, China, Poland, Romania, Greece, Korea, Germany, England, Spain, Azerbaijan, Singapore Slovakia, Turkmenistan, Hungary, USA, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, recognised as one of the elite archery events worldwide.

Πέμπτη 24 Ιουλίου 2014

KORYVANTES in the BIGA International Traditional Archery Competition, Granicus River/Turkey , August 15-17 2014

The Traditional Archery Team of Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES accepting the kind invitation of the Turkish Traditional Archery Federation, will participate in the 5th International Traditional Archery Competition which will be helded in the town of Biga / Turkey, from 15 to 17 August 2014, continuing the last years' participation in the same event.

The Competition under the new name ETRAC, (Eurasian Traditional Archery Competitions), raises the World interest of Traditional & Horseback Archery with the participation of hundreds of archers from various countries around the world, making it the premier archery event in Europe and one of the best of the World. 

Κυριακή 13 Ιουλίου 2014

Reference of the “KORYVANTES” work in the Book "Reconstructing Ancient Linen Body Armor - Unravelling the Linothorax Mystery"

The  Association of Historical Studies "KORYVANTES" is pleased to announce the publication of the book titled "Reconstructing Ancient Linen Body Armor - Unravelling the Linothorax Mystery" of the distinguished professor of the Wisconsin University (U.S.A) an friend of our Association Prof Gregory Aldrete.
This team project in which participated also Scott Bartell an Alicia Aldrete was based in experimental research that took place between 2008-2012 in the Wisconsin University and earned the prize for Experimental Archaeology poster of the USA Archaeological institute for year 2010 (Linothorax Project) It is the most comprehensive academic work today on the nature and function of line cuirasses from the Archaic to Hellenistic Era, though a detailed documentation of the archaeological and literary sources and also the extensive testing of the reconstructed specimens resistance by shooting various arrow types against them.

Participation in the Documentary film “Martial Arts Road” – SKY TV KOREA

The Historical Studies Association “KORYVANTES” is pleased to announce its participation in the filming for the documentary of SKY TV KOREA titled “Martial Arts Road”. Our members performed demonstration of the ancient Greek martial art Pankration and helped the Korean camera crew to film scenes of athletes training preparation in the “palaistra” under the supervision of an elder. The documentary is expected to go on air in the beginning of 2015. We thank the “Evzonoi” athletic club for the technical preparation of the filming and the archaeologist Mr Kostas Antonopoulos for his trust on our Association’s work that led to this collaboration.

Σάββατο 17 Μαΐου 2014

Article published in the ANCIENT WARFARE Magazine issue VIII.2 , May 2014

The Historical Studies Association "KORYVANTES" is particularly pleased to announce the publication of a new study, in the from of an article, on the internationally renowned magazine "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE" (issue VIII. 2 - May 2014)
Through the article of our Association’s member Mr. Spyros Bakas is presented extensively for the first time the "Toxarchos"-the commander of the archers during the Classical and Hellenistic period. The Toxarchos (Toxarchis) is a distinctive title for an officer of the archers that appears from the time of Thucydides (the Athenian campaign in Aetolia) and Flavius Arrian, who describes the conflict of Macedonians and Thebans.
The article is adorned with a photo of a high historical accuracy reconstruction of a heavy armoured Toxarchos of the Hellenistic era, based on a rare depiction of a "Hoplite-Archer" from the Nereid monument (currently in the British Museum).

Πέμπτη 8 Μαΐου 2014

Δημοσίευση Μελέτης στο περιοδικό ANCIENT WARFARE Magazine, Μαϊος 2014

Ο Σύλλογός Ιστορικών Μελετών "ΚΟΡΥΒΑΝΤΕΣ" στην ιδιαίτερα ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσει την δημοσίευση της Μελέτης του στο γνωστό Περιοδικό "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE" Τεύχος Μαϊου 201, (issue VIII.2). 

Μέσα απο το άρθρο του μέλους του Συλλόγου μας Σπύρου Μπάκα παρουσιάζεται για πρώτη φορά εκτενώς ο "Τόξαρχος" - η σπάνια μονάδα του αξιωματικού των Τοξοτών κατα την Κλασσική και Ελληνιστική περίοδο. Ο Τόξαρχος (η Τοξάρχης) είναι ένας διακριτικός  τίτλος αξιωματικού των  τοξοτών ο οποίος εμφανίζεται τόσο από τον Θουκυδίδη στη σύγκρουση Αθηναίων-Αιτωλών , όσο και στον Φλάβιο Αρριανό , ο οποίος περιγράφει την σύγκρουση Μακεδόνων-Θηβαίων.

Τρίτη 8 Απριλίου 2014

Hoplite Phalanx and Traditional Archery Training in Athens, April 6 2014

On Sunday, April 6, 2014 ,in our trainiNg ground in the area of Athens, our Association succesfully helded trainings in Hoplite Phallanx and Traditional Archery. Under the technical guidance of the researcher Mr  Stefanos Skarmintzos , our members had the opportunity to be trained in  hoplite movements based οn our exersise and training manual  while also to be trained in Traditional Archery, launching some of the new archery - targets , who have been inspired by the Ancient Greek Art , designed by our Association and will be presented extensively in the near future .

Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Participation in BBC2 "Who were the Greeks", and BBC4 "Ancient Greece: The Greatest show on earth" TV Productions

Association of Historical Studies "KORYVANTES" announces it's participation in the great International BBC productions, whose subject is the Ancent Greek Civilization, and are currently being shown with great success in Britain and the whole world.
Our Associaton presented with great success and in a comprehemsive way the method of war through the hoplite phalanx, impresive sets of swordplay and pankration, as well as the pereparation of the Spartan Black broth.

Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

New article featuring Association "KORYVANTES" on "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE", December 2013, (VOL VIΙ issue 5)

Association of Historical Studies "Koryvantes" , is once 
more pleased to announce a new article presenting our reconstructions, in the well-known "ANCIENT WARFARE MAGAZINE" , December 2013,(VOL VIΙ issue 5). 

The relatively unknown improvised cavalry of Xenophon’s ten thousand is presented though the article of our Association’s Authenticity Officer Mr. Stefanos Skarmintzos dealing with the reconstruction of a Greek cavalry trooper.

The article is adorned with high quality pictures of restored warriors of the period. Great efforts were made to use authentic tools and materials wherever possible for this reconstruction as for example the leather cuirass (spolas). The complete equipment was repeatedly tested for functionality and usability before photographed in the studio of Mr. A. Smaragdis.

Τετάρτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2013

La société française ARMAE article sur l’Association d’histoire vivante "Koryvantes"

L’Association d’histoire vivante " Koryvantes " tient à remercier la société française ARMAE, un des plus grands fournisseurs de reproductions d'armes et d'armures historiques dans le monde, pour son article étendu et élogieux sur le travail et les activités de notre Association.

La société ARMAE, basée à Lyon, avec plus de dix ans d'expérience dans le domaine des équipements de reconstitution historique , favorise des copies de haute qualité des armes et de l'équipement de la Grèce antique , de l’Empire Romaine , de Moyen-âge et de la Renaissance , sous la direction technique d'archéologues et consultants historiques.

Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2013

KORYVANTES participation in the International Festival “The Arrow of Ancient Kiev” 4-6 October 2013, Kiev Ukraine

The “KORYVANTES” Association of Historical Studies, by accepting the kind invitation of the Ukrainian Traditional Archery Federation, participated successfully with a 4-member team in the International Traditional Archery Festival named “The Arrow of Ancient Kiev” on 4th to 6th October 2013. The event took place in the reconstructed Medieval Living History Castle “The Kievan Rus Park” in the vicinity of Kiev, 34 km from the city.
The Kievan Rus Park” was created with aim to reconstruct a Slavonic fortified settlement (Kremlin) of the period between the 5th to 8th centuries A.D. with respect to historical authenticity. The general atmosphere reminds you of medieval Russia.

Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Cooperation with the Greek Group " Team300TT " for the famous race for powerfull motorcycles "Isle of Man" 2014

Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES would like to express publicly his thanks and his support of the Greek Group "Team300TT" taking part in the most famous and most demanding race for powerful motorcycles internationally, the Isle of Man 2014.

Team300TT collaborated with the CFC Company and the Living History Association KORYVANTES for the symbolic reconstruction of a copy 5th century B.C. Corinthian helmet, to be used for promoting the Team300TT marketing activities and racing targets.

KORYVANTES Association helped for the final certification of the authentic design and the accuracy of the helmet details. The Greek Company CFC created a unique carbon fiber version of the Corinthinan helmet exclusively for Team300TT, combining respect for history with modern technology.

KORYVANTES Association was asked by Team300TT to scientifically document the relationship of the Isle of Man with the Classical Greek world, as the Isle proudly present on its flag the Triskelis, also the emblem of the Athenian Alcmaeonidae Clan.


Τρίτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

KORYVANTES in " BIGA 2013 ". Participation in the 4th International Traditional Archery Festival. 8 & 9 September 2013

The Traditional Archery Team of Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES had the honor to attend in the 4th International Horseback and Traditional Archery Festival, held in the town of Biga Turkey (Ancient City "Πηγαία- Pigaia", Canakale / Dardanelles) on September 8 and 9 , 2013.

The festival gathered the attention of leading figures of the sport from the USA, Iran, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, England, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and Ukraine.Totally 265 athletes, 46 from abroad and 219 from Traditional Archery Associations from Turkey.

The KORYVANTES Association with a two-member mission carried out the honorary representation of Greece . Performing a world-premiere presentation of long range archery shots (more than 70 meters) in combination with the use of heavy composite armor ( linothorax type) ,greaves and hoplite shield (total weight about 25 weapons kg) , displaying depictions of Hoplite-Archers on ancient vases and sculptures.

The results and experiences of the presentation will be incorporated into a research of the Association that will be presented on the upcomming future.

Special thanks to the Director of the festival Mr Metin Ateş for the kind invitation in our team , as long as to the other organizers of the event, for thir excellent hospitality.

Congratulations to the Members of the Association, Deinokrates and Jason for their participation and excellent representation of the Association.

Members of the Mission in a commemorative photo in the shooting field

Snapshot moment  from the competition. Shots at distances over 70 meters with full armour gear and by adjusting the hoplite shield on the back , displaying ancient depictions of Hoplite-Archers.

Snapshot moment  from the competition. Shots at distances over 70 meters with full armour gear and by adjusting the hoplite shield on the back , displaying ancient depictions of Hoplite-Archers.

Friends from the Turkish Organization of Traditional Archery "TALIMHANE", in a commemorative photo with Weapons of our Association.

Crossing the shooting field with a shield  ("Hoplon" type ) on the back ,continuing the tradition of  hoplite-archers  on the plains of Asia Minor.