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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Byzantine. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Byzantine. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2013

La société française ARMAE article sur l’Association d’histoire vivante "Koryvantes"

L’Association d’histoire vivante " Koryvantes " tient à remercier la société française ARMAE, un des plus grands fournisseurs de reproductions d'armes et d'armures historiques dans le monde, pour son article étendu et élogieux sur le travail et les activités de notre Association.

La société ARMAE, basée à Lyon, avec plus de dix ans d'expérience dans le domaine des équipements de reconstitution historique , favorise des copies de haute qualité des armes et de l'équipement de la Grèce antique , de l’Empire Romaine , de Moyen-âge et de la Renaissance , sous la direction technique d'archéologues et consultants historiques.

Τετάρτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Swordmanship and Traditional Archery Training , September 29 2013

On Sunday September 29 2013, our Association helded a training session on Swordmanship and Traditional Archery.

Members of our Association had the opportunity to be trained in the use of the Byzantine sword  "spathion" (a straight double-edged sword handed descendant of the Roman broadsword)- but without the use shield- ,under the technical guidance of the swordmanship instructor  Georgios Georgas , while in context of Traditional Archery our members held shots in midle range targets.

Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2013

KORYVANTES in Istanbul, June 15-16 2013 . Participation in the International Traditional Archery Festival " Necmeddin Okyay”

The Official Banner of the Festival

The Traditional Archery Team of the Association of Historical Studies “Koryvantes” successfully participated with 14-member mission to the International Traditional Archery Contest "Necmeddin Okyay" that was held in Istanbul between 15 and 16 June 2013. Our members represented our country in a Pan-European cultural event showing the age old Hellenic Archery Tradition.

The "Necmeddin Okyay" Traditional Archery Festival is organized by the TALIMHANE Archery Institute (TALİMHANE OKÇULUK ENSTİTUSU)  and the municipality of Uskudar. The contest which is is already one of the most popular Traditional Archery Festivals in Europe , took place in a big stadium of the beautiful Istanbul suburb . Archer friends from Rumania, Georgia, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland and other countries participated in this great celebration of Traditional Archery, culture and National Traditions.

Our Archer Evangelos Vongellis celebrating his victory, after he had won the Special Archery Contest

The impressive participation of our Association’s members got very nice comments both from the participants and the organizers and by being the center of attention from the Mass Media of the neighboring country. Our archers carrying high standard and historically accurate equipment demonstrated re-enacted archers from the Mycenaean Era , to the Late Byzantium and held high the Flag of Greek Tradition thus demonstrating the old Archery Heritage of out Nation.

The first day we participated in a parade of all missions at the coast of Bosporus. Under the sound of our battle horn alongside the other archers we shot our arrows –upon whish peace messages had been inscribed- into the sea. Our Association also received from the governor of Istanbul Mr. Mustapha Karra a commemorative plaque for our participation in the event as well as his compliments.

The " KORYVANTES" Traditional Archery Team , in Istanbul 

The contest took place on Sunday 16th of June. The archers shot at distances ranging from 7 to 70 meters. The contest also for the first time shooting from cover thus simulating fortification defenses action. All of our archer were in the first 70 among 170 contestants and more specifically Spyros Bakas got the 10th place, Giannis Tsilikis the 14th place, Kostas Papantoniou the 19th place and Aristodemos Nikiteas the 38th place. In the especial shooting contest our Archer Evangellos Voggelis in a straight shot from the 30 meters won the honorary price of one golden Turkish pound while competing against world-class champions, thus demonstrating in the best possible way the dynamism of our members.

For our Association this was also a chance to perform Experimental Archaeology tests in a series of reconstructed armor and archery techniques thus drawing useful conclusion for our research that will be published in our future Association’s studies

For all our members it was a very valuable experience and a good chance to be in the great Family of International Traditional Archery and also to understand our responsibility to continue the proud representation of Hellenic Traditional Archery abroad.

We thank Mr. Adnan Mehel and all archer friends and organizers of the Talimhane institute for their hospitality and the splendid organization of this Festival.

Our Archer Spyros Bakas infront of the 40m target.

The " KORYVANTES" Traditional Archery Team , in Istanbul 

The " KORYVANTES" Traditional Archery Team while parading in the Bosporus coast

The " KORYVANTES" Traditional Archery Team while parading in the Bosporus coast

Members of our Traditional Archery Team while Shooting arrows in the Bosporus.

Governor of Istanbul giving a commemorative plaque to our Team

Our Archer Kostas Papantoniou

" KORYVANTES" Traditional Archery Team while shooting during the contest

The Host.  Mr Adnan Mehel speaking to the contestants for the oppening ceremony.

Our Archer Vladimiros Gavakis with his heavy Byzantine Armour , representing a warrior of the Late Byzantine era.

Our Archer Aristodemos Nikiteas infront of the 30m target

Our Archer Giannis Tsilikis shooting in the special contest

Our Archers during the warm up session

Our Archer Lykourgos Balodimos

Our Archer Kostas Papantoniou

"KORYVANTES" Archers shooting in the 40m distance

Archers from Turkey

Archer from Romania

Champion Lakaton Istvan receiving his winning cup

Our Archer Giorgos Kanakaris infront of the 70m target

Our Archer Kostas Kourkoulis shooting in the special contest

Our Archers in the motion -shooting target

Our Archers in the hide -shooting target

View from the Shooting area

Two great friends of our Association, Mr Adnan Mehel, and Mr Eren Kalinbacak

Mr Adnan Mehel in the closing ceremony

Memmorial Photo of the foreighn team-participants

" KORYVANTES " Archery Team Banner