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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα CONFERENCE. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα CONFERENCE. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Κυριακή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

KORYVANTES in the WTAF International Games, South Korea, 18 to 23 September 2015.

The Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES is pleased to announce its participation in the 9th International Traditional Archery Games (WTAF) which will take place in Cheongju City, South Korea, from 18 to 23 September 2015.

The World WTAF Games are the pinnacle event of the Global Traditional Archery community and our Association will participate for the second time in the row after the relevant event of the year 2014.

The Games once again will gather the interest of the World Traditional Archery main teams, with the participation of over 100 distinguished archers from Italy, USA, Turkey, China, Romania, Germany, England, Spain, Japan, Singapore, Slovakia, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Hungary, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, etc.

Σάββατο 4 Ιουλίου 2015

Association KORYVANTES Lectures in the Pultusk Academy Conference, Pultusk / Poland , July 1 2015

The Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES is exceptionally honored to announce it's succesfull participation in the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference of the Pultusk Academy of Humanities / Poland  entitled «Thinking Symbols» (June 30 – July 2 , 2015) which was held in the Conference Center of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology of the Academy.

Association KORYVANTES was represented at the Conference under three (3) studies of it’s members  Mr Richard Vallance Janke, Mrs Christy Emilio Ioannidou and Mr Spyros Bakas.

Πέμπτη 2 Απριλίου 2015


The Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES is exceptionally honored to announce the participation in the Interdisciplinary Conference of the Pultusk Academy of Humanities / Poland entitled «Thinking Symbols» UNDER 3 LECTURES of Mr Richard Vallance Janke , Mrs Christy Emilio Ioannidou and Mr Spyros Bakas.
Mr Richard Vallance Janke will give a lecture under the title "The Rôle of Supersyllabograms in Mycenaean Linear B" through witch will present his remarkable research on Linear B Syllabograms with the discovery of SUPERSYLLABOGRAMS, the first major breakthrough in the further decipherment of Linear B since 1952 and the famous Michael Ventris.

Παρασκευή 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Lectures in the PULTUSK Academy of Humanities / Poland, June 30 2015

The Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES is exceptionally honored to announce the participation in the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference of the Pultusk Academy of Humanities / Poland  entitled «Thinking Symbols».  

The Conference (June 30 – July 2 , 2015) which is adorned with the participation of distinguished academics and researchers from all around Europe will be held in the Conference Center of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology of the Academy.

The Association KORYVANTES will be represented at the Conference under three (3) studies of it’s members  Mr Richard Vallance Janke, Mrs Christy Emilio Ioannidou and Mr Spyros Bakas.

  •   Mr Richard Vallance Janke  lecture under the title "The Rôle of Supersyllabograms in Mycenaean Linear B" through witch will present his remarkable research on Linear B Syllabograms with the discovery of SUPERSYLLABOGRAMS, the first major breakthrough in the further decipherment of Linear B since 1952 and the famous Michael Ventris. 
  • Mrs Christy Emilio Ioannidou lecture, entitled «Negative verbal symbols in ancient Greek warfare» will present the importance of negative verbal symbols in the War in the ancient Greek world, and how they contributed effectively to the psychological operations against the enemy.
  • Mr. Spyros Bakas lecture, entitled «Psychological Warfare in Greek Bronze Age. Mycenaean panoplies and weapons as symbols of power and divinity» will present the practice of psychological warfare by the Mycenaeans in the battlefields, through the use of exotic weapons and armor as a symbols of power and divine origin.

Τρίτη 13 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Τετάρτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Lectures in the International Academic Symposium of OPENARCH in " VIMINACIUM " Museum / Serbia, September 30 2014.

The Association for Historical Studies KORYVANTES successfully participated at the International Experimental Archaeology Symposium of "OPENARCH", which took place at the conference center of the Archaeological Open-Air Museum of  "VIMINACIUM" in Serbia, from September 29 until October 3, 2014.

Our Association as the Leading Independent Experimental Archaeology Institution in Greece and one of the top respective across Europe, presented to the International Academic audience two prominent studies on the reconstruction of weapons of the Bronze Age and Geometric era, through the lectures of Archaeologist Mr Christos Boutsidis (Phd cand, MA, Demokritean University of Thrace and member of Association Koryvantes ).

Τρίτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Lecture in the World Traditional Archery Conference / WTAF 2014 , Danyang City /South Korea, October 6 2014

The Historical Studies Association "KORYVANTES" is particularly pleased to announce it's successfull participation in  the World Traditional Archery Academic Conference which was held in the city of Danyang South Korea, on October 6, 2014. 

The World Traditional Archery Academic Conference, which is held under the auspices of the World Traditional Archery Federation (WTAF), represents the pinnacle in the field of promotion of the history and mechanics of archery. The conference hosted the participations of Academics, researchers, schollars and experts in Traditional Archery and was performed under the organisation of the World Traditional Archery Festival (October 3-8 2014). 

Σάββατο 10 Μαΐου 2014

Lectures in the 2nd International Aegean Archaeology Conference of the Archaeological Institute of Warsaw University, April 25th, 2014

The Historical Studies Association KORYVANTES had the special honor to participate, through the lectures of two of its distinguished members, Spyros Bakas and Stefanos Skarmintzos at the 2nd International Conference in Aegean Archaeology organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. The conference was aimed at candidate lecturers, postgraduate students, researchers and graduate students and took place on Friday 25th of April 2014 in the Institute of Archaeology of the Warsaw University.

Mr. Spyros Bakas with his lecture "The Evidence of the use of Composite Bows in the Mycenaean World," developed the indications for the existence and usage of Composite Bows in the Mycenaean World, presenting a series of archaeological finds, which reinforce this view, connecting in parallel the usage of this weapon with the military organization of the Mycenaean army and the changes in the armor of the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean warriors. 

Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2013

Association “KORYVANTES” Lecture, in the International Experimental Archaeology Conference of the EXARC Organization on 12 April 2013 , Lejre - Denmark

The Association of Historical Studies “KORYVANTES” gave a worthy representation of Greek Experimental Archaeology in the International Experimental Archaeology Conference of the EXARC Organization on12th of April 2013, that was held in Denmark, in the conference centre of the Lejre Archaeological Park, outside Copenhagen in during 12th and 13th of April 2013. The Lejre Archaeological Park is one of the most important international Living history and Scientific study places that bring to life moments of ancient Danish history though reconstructed Iron Age and Viking Era settlements.

Photo of the Participants, in front of the Conference Centre of the Lejre Archaeological Park.
The international Organization EXARC represents most of the well known open air Archaeological Museums and Experimental Archaeology Parks of the Globe and it’s under the Auspice of ICOM. EXARC by promoting the cooperation of organizations and academic institutions, and also through conferences and publications, enhances the level of modern Experimental Archaeology. With members from more than 25 countries, offers a powerful support network through which archaeologists and archaeology lovers participate in an exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices.
In the context of these EXARC activities is the organization of a conference on the subject of the "History Experimental Archaeology" , that it was a reference point for the year 2013 for the audience and the experts in this field. Every conference participant presented in an extensive way the historical linage of Experimental Archaeology applications in his country, through specific examples and reports, analyzing the trends that prevailed and the opportunities presenting themselves for the future.
Our Association’s lecture was titled «Τhe developmental steps of Experimental Archaeology in Greece, through key historical replicative experiments and reconstructions», and included all the known reports of Experimental Archaeology that have taken place in Greece from the 19th century till now.
The 40 minute lecture was opened by Mr. Nikos Kleisiaris, introducing to the delegates the first applications of Living History that took place in our country from the 19th century, with the re establishment of the Olympic Games till the middle of 1920s with the Delphic games by Angelos Sikelianos. Then followed an introduction in the first steps of Experimental Archaeology with a detailed description of the Ioannis Sakkas experiments in the 1970s with the reconstructed Mirrors of Archimedes. This was followed by presenting the “Keryneia II”, a fully reconstructed commercial vessel of the Hellenistic Era. The lecture continued with many other reconstructions such as “Papyrela”, a Neolithic Era ship and the reconstructed mechanisms of Heron and Antikythera.
Mr. Spyros Bakas initially analyzed two well known experiments of Naval Experimental Archaeology that had been successful in our Country-the case of “Argo” a reconstructed ship of the 14th century BC and the trireme “Olympias”, the reconstructed Classical Period ship. Emphasis was given in the Technical details of these two important experiments, pointing out the high technical standards and the demands of the scientific groups that undertook the reconstruction.
Mr. Bakas speech also presented an extensive report of the Experimental Archaeology approach of the Association “KORYVANTES” from 2008 till today. The reconstruction of linothorax from our Association was extensively presented as the first structured experiment of war technology reconstruction in our country the last years. The interest was focused on the presentations and the experiments that supported the reconstructed armors of our Association like the one inspired from the Medinet Habu monument and the reconstructed “Dendra Armor”.
Finally the activities of our Association in the application of Experimental Archaeology on the battle tactics and the research on the way of fighting of the Hoplite Phalanx as well as the precious conclusions that have been drawn from this study.

Mr Spyros Bakas during his lecture describing the Experimental Reconstruction of the Late Bronze Age "Medinet Habu" Armour , made by Association KORYVANTES".
The conferences was graces with the presence of a large number of Academics like professor Martin Bell from Reading University (England), Ian Dennis from University of Cardiff (Wales), researcher Martin Applet from Denmark National museum, professor Viire Pajuste from University of Tartu (Estonia), as well as distinguished personalities from the International field of Experimental Archaeology like the EXAR representative Jeroen Flamman.
Its worth noting that following the Conference there will be a printed EXARC paper for which our Association will have the honor to sent its work. The presence and active participation of our Association in presentations of this level not only increases our recognition but confirms also its position as an active and dynamic carrier of research and civilization
We warmly thank the executives of the EXARC Mr. Roeland Paardercooper and Mrs Jodi Reeves Flores for their kind invitation and welcome of our mission
We also warmly thank the Lejre Museum director Mr. Lars Holten for the kind accommodation.

We do thank Mrs Christy Emilio Ioannidou for her valuable contribution and help on the presentation of the naval experimental archaeology projects. 
Sagnlandet Lejre (ie. Land of Legends Lejre) is an open-air park with reconstructions of ancient living environments, like the Iron Age village, the Stone Age camp, the Viking market, the 19th century-farm cottages in the 43 hectares of Sagnlandet land
Mr Spyros Bakas , the directors of the  EXARC Conference Dr Roeland Paadercooper και Dr Jodi Reeves, the  Director of the Lejre Museum Dr Lars Holten ,and Mr Nikos Kleisiaris
Professor Martin Bell of the University of Reading (England) and Mr Dragos Gheorgiou of the National University of Arts (Romania) on the right.
With Dr Jeroen Flamman, one of the Directors of  ΕΧΑR  Organization ( European association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment http://www.exar.org)  , in the Nautical Museum of Roskilde.
With the Director of Lejre Museum Dr Lars Holten inspecting a reconstruction of a Stone Age pottery.
A momment of the Conference
Reconstructed ship from the Viking Culture Era  in the Nautical Museum of Roskilde near the Archaeological Park of Lejre. The total 4 reconstructes ships of the era which are exhibited in the museum, gave archaeologists valuable information on the research of the Viking's marine technology.
Reconstructed  Bronze Age Armours made for Experimental Archaeology Projects ,by the Association of Historical Studies KORYVANTES, presented in the EXARC International Academic Conference

Τρίτη 26 Μαρτίου 2013


Ο Σύλλογος Ιστορικών Μελετών " ΚΟΡΥΒΑΝΤΕΣ ", είναι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας προσκαλέσει το Σάββατο 13 Απριλίου 2013 στις 14:00, στη πόλη Lejre της Δανίας, στο Διεθνές Ακαδημαϊκό Συνέδριο του Οργανισμού EXARC, με τίτλο: "History of Experimental Archeology".

Τα μέλη μας κος Νικος Κλεισιάρης και κος Σπύρος Μπάκας, θα δώσουν διάλεξη με τίτλο: "The development steps of Experimental Archaeology in Greece through key historical replication experiments and reconstructions ". 

Ο Οργανισμός EXARC τελεί υπο την αιγίδα του  ICOM (Διεθνές Συμβούλιο Μουσείων) ο οποίος αντιπροσωπεύει υπαίθρια αρχαιολογικά μουσεία και αρχαιολογικά πάρκα πειραματικής Αρχαιολογίας. Ο EXARC ανεβάζει το επίπεδο της επιστημονικής έρευνας και της δημόσιας παρουσίασης της σύγχρονης αρχαιολογίας μέσω της προώθησης της συνεργασίας οργανισμών, αλλα και μέσα απο συνέδρια και εκδόσεις.

Το Συνέδριο EXARC κοσμείται με τη συμμετοχή διακεκριμένων ακαδημαϊκών από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Σουηδία, Ολλανδία, Ρουμανία, Λετονία και άλλων ευρωπαϊκών πανεπιστημίων και αποτελεί ένα από τα πιο σημαντικούς θεσμούς στην Πειραματική Αρχαιολογία σε ολόκληρη την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

Είστε όλοι ευπρόσδεκτοι!


Τρίτη 19 Μαρτίου 2013


The Historical Studies Association "KORYVANTES" is pleased to invite you on Saturday April 13th at 14:00, at Lejre/ Denmark, to the International Academic Conference held by EXARC, with title: "History of Experimental Archeology".

Our members Mr.Nikos Kleisiaris and Mr. Spyros Bakas will give a lecture with title: "The development steps of Experimental Archaeology in Greece through key historical replication experiments and reconstructions".

EXARC is Affiliated Organization to ICOM (International Council of Museums) representing archaeological open-air museums and experimental archaeology sites. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation through collaborative projects, conferences and publications.

The EXARC Conference adorned with the participation of distinguished Academics from UK, Sweden, Netherlands, Romania, Latvia and other European Universities and constitutes one of the most prestigious institutions on Experimental Archaeology throughout the European Union.

You are all welcome !
